Little Minx, a Santa Monica-headquartered production house headed by founder/executive producer Rhea Scott, has brought the directorial team Sea Chant–consisting of the L.A.-based Carissa and Andrew Gallo–aboard its roster. Previously the directors were unrepresented in the U.S., working independently for varied clients. Sea Chant is repped in Europe by Pointblank Productions.
Scott described Sea Chant’s content as “inspirational” and “invaluable.” Sea Chant’s work spans such brands as Levi’s, Lincoln Motor Company, Nike, Intel and Toyota.
Combining Carissa’s background in still photography and Andrew’s technical work in TV production, Sea Chant, which prides itself on handling both the live action and still photography for projects, has a deep-rooted connection in not just aesthetics, but human relations. Said Carissa, “The focus is on beauty and what makes things resonate. Color is so important to me, I’m kind of obsessed with color palettes and human interactions. We like to take note of rich little dialogues, conversations we’re hearing. We’re curious about humanity, relationships and love.”
Sea Chant noted that as they continue to create more commercial material, more production support and resources were needed to take the work to the next level. They gravitated to Little Minx based on the company’s body of work and track record.