International creative animation/design studio LOBO has added Brazilian directing duo Alton to its roster for global representation. Based in Sao Paulo, Alton is comprised of Felipe Machado and Tiago Marcondes, and specializes in stop-motion, 3D, motion graphics and mixed media. Alton brings a unique skill set of design and character animation to a diverse body of creative projects, including a recent LOBO project for the Annecy International Film Festival that reimagines some of Brazil’s most iconic animated work to celebrate 100 years of outstanding Brazilian animation.
Alton has more than two decades of design and character animation experience. Machado started working in animation and motion design immediately after graduating from Faculdade Belas Artes in 2002, lending his talent to companies such as MTV, Animaking and Animatorio. Machado is also a passionate singer and songwriter, constantly cranking out new tunes when he’s not making films.
Marcondes brings to the duo a decade-plus of communications business expertise, affording him a strong sense of brand communication strategy. On the creative front, he also has experience as an art director at agencies such as Y&R, DM9DDB, Almap BBDO and Loducca, focusing on design, illustration and experimental graphics. Meshing his talents in art and brand strategy, he segued into directing in 2015, joining forces with Machado at Santa Transmedia Studios.
Alton joins LOBO on the heels of the company’s recent NYC office expansion due to increased demand in the U.S. market. LOBO also maintains an office in Sรฃo Paulo.