Composer/producer David Logan has opened New York-based Dumptruck Music, and hired Tim Oakley as composer/ engineer for the shop.
Logan said, "I basically wanted to work for myself. It’s great having your own studio." He and his wife moved to New York from the West Coast earlier this year.
Before starting up Dumptruck, Logan had spent four months as a music producer at tomandandy, New York. Prior to that, he was music producer/composer for six years at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco. Logan’s credits, via Goodby, include scores for Polaroid’s "Joy"; Norwegian Cruise Line’s "Maybe It Was The Wind"; and KGO Radio’s "Internet Access."
Oakley, who is Logan’s brother-in-law, graduated from the Full Sail School for the Recording Arts, Orlando, Fla., with a major in audio recording. Over the past two years, Oakley has produced, recorded and engineered several New York-based bands, including The Blackouts, Bottomline, and Swing In Rush In.
At Dumptruck, Logan and Oakley compose via Emagic Logic. They most recently co-scored "Funeral" and "Betting Window" for the National Thor-oughbred Racing Association, via Merkley Newman Harty, New York. Logan serves as Dumptruck’s national rep.