Tom Pomposello, president/founder of New York-based music/sound design house Pomposello Productions, died Jan. 25, reportedly from an aneurysm, which led to an automobile accident. No one else was injured in the accident. Pomposello was 49.
During his career, the multitalented Pomposello created music, animation, video and records and was known for conceiving countless recognizable compositions for both network and cable television, perhaps most notably the Nick-Nick-Nick-Nick, Neh-Nick-Nick-Nick doo-wop sound for Nickelodeon.
Among Pomposellos numerous industry honors were three Clios and a Gold Radio Mercury award. His advertising clients included Old Navy, Sudafed, Chips Ahoy, Quilted Northern, Milky Way, Burger King, American Express, Little Caesars and Taco Bell. He also created music for network IDs and on-air promotions for ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, Bravo, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, HBO, MTV, TNT and more.
Pomposello also had his own record company, Re:signed Records, whose releases include Women in Chant, a collection of Gregorian Chants performed by The Choice of Benedictine Nuns at The Abbey of Regina Laudis. Pomposellos own discography-more than 30 albums as producer, composer/songwriter, featured performer or sideman-continually pays tribute to his roots as a bluesman and accompanist to his mentor, the late blues great Fred McDowell.
My closest pal, personally and in business is how J.J. Sedelmaier, president of J.J. Sedelmaier Productions, White Plains, described Pomposello. The two frequently collaborated, Sedelmaier creating animation and Pomposello sound. Sedelmaier said he would remember Pomposellos terrific sense of humor and laughing on the telephone together.
He was constantly called on to help sculpt and mold a networks image. Thats not just visual and audio, thats strategy, Sedelmaier recalled. He was a performer, an executive, an artist-he was whatever he needed to be for whatever he found himself involved in. He was without parallel.
Jeff Dickson, an associate producer at Pomposello Productions, called Pomposello the kindest person I ever knew in a sometimes cruel business. Describing him as sweet, generous and loving, Dickson said Pomposello was sort of a father figure to everyone he worked with, especially his staff. He made us feel like a family.
Pomposello is survived by his wife, Patricia Lawrence, of Chichester; his mother, Rose, of Kings Park; five children, two sisters and three grandchildren.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Pomposellos name to Promisek, a charitable foundation that helps provide musical instruments to the children of Northern Mississippi in honor of McDowell. The address is: Promisek, 694 Skyline Ridge Road, Bridgewater, CT 06752, or call (860) 350-8226.