SHOOT has covered the AICP from its inception 30 years ago, and I’ve been fortunate enough to have been involved in that relationship ever since I joined the publication as a reporter in 1978. The progress made by the organization has been truly remarkable.
But amidst its evolution and the myriad changes in the industry, there have been certain invaluable constants shared by AICP leaders and key movers in the organization over the years: a visionary perspective on the future and what can be accomplished; a deep abiding concern for keeping the overall commercialmaking community healthy; a commitment of time and energy spanning staffers and volunteers; a belief in developing a positive dialogue between and among different sectors of the business; and a sense of pride in the creative product, perhaps best embodied in the AICP Show.
These constants are reflected in this Special Supplement’s content, including "The Chairmen," in which AICP leaders look back on the past 30 years; and "The Legacy Lives," in which the contributions of Jay B. Eisenstat Award winners to the overall industry are chronicled and put into perspective. SHOOT is honored to publish this Special Supplement, and to wish the AICP the very best as it embarks on its next 30-even if the future of the :30 format is somewhat in question today. Congratulations!