Created by FCB New York and animated by London-based Loose Moose, a stop-frame animated spot for new Chips Ahoy! CremeWiches cleverly depicts how the cookie was first made.
For those of you who haven’t snacked on CremeWiches yet: They consist of a creme filling with Chips Ahoy! chocolate chip cookies on either side. Since the product is new, the creative team at FCB wanted to show consumers exactly what it is made of. "But we didn’t want to show a factory making it. We wanted to do something fun and unexpected," FCB copywriter Gerald Cuesta related. Shoot Online subscribers may read this week’s Top Spot of the Week in full by accessing the Current Issue in the Members Area.
KF Holdings/Chips Ahoy! CremeWiches.
Loose Moose, London.
Ken Lidster, director/animator; Glenn Holberton, producer; Ange Palethorpe, animator; Dotti Colvin and John Shearlock, CGI animators. Shot at Magic Eye Studios, London.
FCB New York.
Rich Russo, executive creative officer; Sandy Greenberg and Terri Meyer, group creative directors; Gerald Cuesta, copywriter; Howie Ronay and Chris Lombardo, art directors; Deborah Sullivan, head of broadcast production; Steve Friedman, producer; Gregory Grene, music producer.
Red Square Editing, London.
Matt Lowe, editor.
VTR, London.
Seamus O’Kane, colorist.
Edgeworx, London.
Bruce Hancock, Bill Keehner, Chris Kairalla and Peter Menich, digital postproduction artists.
Mackinnon and Saunders, Ltd., Manchester, U.K.
Peter Saunders and Ian Mackinnon, designers/executive producers; Noel Baker, Nick Robeson, Joe Holman, sculptors; Georgina Hayns, mechanics; Claire Cohen and Andy Gent, armatures.
Artem Ltd., Perivale,
Middlesex, U.K.
Bob Thorne, designer; Dave Nichol, senior technician; Paula Vine, sculptor.
HSR, New York.
Roy Latham, mixer.
Scramble, London.
Dave Cooper, mixer.
2 Virgins, Los Angeles.
Chris Seefried, composer.