Big Fish Films, a Dallas-based production company, has added Kim Walls as production manager and Robbie Hague as studio manager.
Walls will manage all details of Big Fish Films’ commercial production work. Previously, Walls spent a year serving as a freelance production coordinator, working with such Dallas spot production companies as Bednarz Film, Stone Core Films and Film Xero.
Before this, she worked as a copywriter at Dallas-based agencies Dally Advertising and Hadeler Sullivan Ewing.
In his role, Hague will be responsible for overseeing all management aspects of the Big Fish studio, including its in-house Avid editing suite. He was previously with GTE VisNet/Public Affairs and Communications for two years, working in corporate film production.
Big Fish Film represents company principal/director Robert Latorre and directors David Simpson, David Blood and Michael Oleksinski and visual effects director/director Jim Riche as well as directors Joe Scudiero and Jack Cole, who are affiliated with Champ Films, Chicago.