In this emotionally charged PSA, we see a girl with a flashlight reading under the covers of her bed. She relates her “fairy tale,” dreaming that one day she will be a princess swept off her feet by a charming prince. She will live in a castle and the prince will protect and love her. She will have a big bedroom with a big bed just like grown-ups.
But then the dream takes an unexpected, decidedly dark turn. She says that the prince will share her with other men who will touch her, hurt her, rape her. Still the prince will protect her as long as she gives him the cash. If she does something wrong, though, she will be beaten and left on the side of the road.
A supered message reads, “Dragons aren’t the only monsters,” followed by an end tag revealing the sobering message’s sponsor, ECPAT-USA (End Child Prostitution and Trafficking).
Agency is JWT New York. Andrew Clarke, an executive creative director at JWT NY, directed “Princess” via New York production house Dogmen.
R/GA Goes Independent In Management and Private Equity Partnership
Interpublic Group (NYSE: IPG) has sold R/GA, the creative innovation company, to Truelink Capital, a private equity firm with a track record of investing in tech-enabled services. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.
The move thus marks R/GA’s return to independence as a privately owned company after 23 years as part of IPG. R/GA’s global management team and Truelink Capital have formed an indie partnership. R/GA’s global CEO Robin Forbes and chair & global chief creative officer Tiffany Rolfe are two of the global leaders, together with others, who are investing in the company as part of the deal. R/GA’s next chapter will be fueled out of the gate by a $50M Innovation Fund, enabling the company to invest in new skillsets and talent, and acquire new capabilities, emerging tools and platforms. Additionally, R/GA has established a Strategic Advisory Council of senior marketing and technology executives to support emerging AI client transformation opportunities across multiple sectors.
As an independent company, R/GA is activating an AI-enabled model to better serve clients, unburdened by the restrictions and overheads of traditional corporate structures. New remuneration models based on outcomes, agile new team structures, and scaling up its flexible talent model “R/GA Associates,” are among the initial changes being implemented.
“Today is a landmark moment for R/GA, as we enter an exciting new chapter as a private company supported by our new partners at Truelink Capital. This announcement also signals a stark contrast to a wider trend towards consolidation in the agency business. Most agencies will struggle to make the pivot in this new age, especially at a time when they’re operating within complex agency... Read More