DALLAS-A fifth chapter of the Association of Independent Commercial Editors (AICE) has been launched in Dallas by five founding editorial companies: Dallas-based shops charlieuniformtango, Fast Cuts, Tom’s Easy Way, and Video Post & Transfer; and bicoastal Red Car with offices in Dallas and Chicago. Red Car gained its Dallas presence at the beginning of the year via its acquisition of Yellow Rose Editorial (SHOOT, 1/8, p. 7).
AICE/Dallas joins a national association with additional chapters in Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco.
Tom’s Easy Way was actually an AICE member via the East Coast chapter for the past three years, but more recently interest grew in the Dallas community. Tom’s Easy Way president/ owner Tom Aberg said he appreciated the "camaraderie, exchange of information and ideas" offered by AICE membership. "It’s a support system. It helps promote respect for the profession." Now the Dallas community intends to grow that initiative locally.
"We want to develop strong working relationships with our clients," Aberg said. "This market has matured and the postproduction companies have [made] commitments to personnel and financial investments in terms of buying equipment. We need to [create] some procedures with our clients that can help us … become more efficient."
For starters, the chapter wishes to generate a better exchange of ideas and information between editorial houses and ad agencies. "We want them to understand some of our issues. We want to understand the issues they are dealing with," he said, citing technology as a topic of interest.
The fledgling chapter expects to have an organizational meeting in the coming weeks during which it will elect officers, national board members (two delegates represent each AICE chapter), and set an agenda. They team has already begun seeking new chapter members; membership is not limited to Dallas-based companies.