What’s the most relevant business and/or creative lesson you learned in 2023 and how will you apply it to 2024?
The power of making ‘til we make it. At Grey we’ve been really focusing on the iterative nature of the creative process. We believe that only by making a ton of work, and actively trying to learn and improve with each one, we’ll be able to create meaningful and sustainable change on the quality of our work in 2024.
While gazing into the crystal ball is a tricky proposition, we nonetheless ask you for any forecast you have relative to content creation and/or the creative and/or business climate for 2024?
I’m curious to see how the conversation will evolve in terms of the legalities and other more practical and logistical questions around the use of AI-generated content. I think everyone agrees that it’s an incredible tool for the creative process, but we still need to understand how to navigate its usage in the real world.
Does your company have plans for any major diversification and/or expansion/investment in technology and talent in 2024 and if so, what? How will this investment or diversification add value to what you can offer to clients? If instead you have already realized any actual expansion, made such an investment and/or diversified significantly recently and brought on new talent and expertise, share those developments with us along with what they mean to your staff and clients.
We’re completely revamping the creative side of our Social capabilities at Grey. We’re in the process of recruiting for a new Head of Social, as well as exploring more modern ways to approach social content production for 2024.
What was the biggest challenge posed to you by a recent project? Or share insights to a recent project you deem notable. Briefly describe the project, why it was particularly noteworthy or what valuable lesson(s) you learned from it. If the work is complete and you’d like to share a link to it, please include.
One of the projects that I was lucky to be a part of and launch earlier this year was Coca-Cola Move, at Grey’s sister agency AKQA. We partnered with Spanish superstar Rosalía to co-create everything, from the concept to craft, from the flavor to a new hit single. It was an incredible project that launched a new limited edition version of Coke in 52 countries. The kind of thing that is only possible when there’s a true partnership between agency, client and everyone else involved. I’ll just leave you with the video we created to launch the original single that Rosalía wrote for the campaign, titled LLYLM. Video was directed by Daniel Sanwald and produced by Division.
Coca-ColaWork Source: YouTube