Wildvine Music, a subsidiary of New York-based Three Tree Productions, has tapped Frank DiMinno as its president/executive producer, a newly created position at the company. DiMinno was formerly an executive producer at Pink Noise, New York.
Wildvine Music, New York, was launched a year ago by Three Tree partners Jake Holmes, Bernie Drayton, and Nick DiMinno, Frank DiMinno’s father. Since Three Tree was mainly a "song house" as described by Frank DiMinno, the idea behind the new division was to bring in young musicians with a little advertising background to pursue scoring.
Wildvine initially opened with composers Peter Klinger and Tim Cloherty, both of whom composed and managed the business side of the new venture. Meanwhile, Three Tree composers Holmes, Irwin Fisch, George Fontenette, Barry Eastman, Rex Rideout and Hasib McNeally had the opportunity to collaborate on projects with Wildvine composers and vice versa. Now, the Three Tree partners have brought in Frank DiMinno to handle Wildvine’s business aspect.
DiMinno first joined the Three Tree fold in ’90, when the company was known as 4/4 Productions, New York. He worked as a producer and sales representative at 4/4 for two years before leaving to join Gray Noise, New York, with singer/ songwriter/producer Jody Gray. At the time, Gray was looking to get into spots and DiMinno was interested in producing records. DiMinno has since signed Gray to the Wildvine spot roster as a writer. Gray will continue to work on film, TV and record projects through Gray Noise.
In ’96, DiMinno moved to New York-based No Soap Productions as a rep/producer, where he worked mostly on radio spots. He left a year and a half later to join Pink Noise as its executive producer. At Pink Noise, his credits included Canon Copiers, Secret antiperspirant, MCI, Rite Aid Drugstores, the U.S. Air Force and Nizoral medicated shampoo.
DiMinno is already applying his cumulative experience to Wildvine. He recently executive produced a KFC spot entitled "The Press," via Young & Rubicam, New York. "The best thing about this position is that it’s mine … I can dig down, grab the bull by the horns and make something happen," related DiMinno.
The complete Wildvine Music roster includes Klinger, Cloherty, Gray and Jean-Baptiste Bocle. Frank DiMinno handle sales for Wildvine, while Holmes, Drayton and Nick DiMinno all rep Three Tree.