A sixth chapter of the national Association of Independent Creative Editors (AICE) has been formed in Minneapolis, with chapter number seven expected to be launched in Atlanta on July 11.
The AICE also has chapters in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Dallas.
Tony Fischer, president, Fischer Edit, Minneapolis, was elected president of AICE/ Minneapolis at the foundation meeting on June 28. Five local companies and two independent editors are represented on the board. The line-up includes: Larry Sexton, Hi-Wire general manager/senior editor, who was appointed chapter VP; Charlie Lach, president, Crash & Sue’s, who was named treasurer; and editor Greg Mattern of HDMG who was elected secretary. In addition, editor Steve Shepherd of Spotnik and independent editors Clayton Condit, owner, 805 Edit, and Greg Browning were made at-large board members.
Fischer, who spearheaded the organization of the local chapter, said that he has seen a need for AICE representation in Minneapolis for some time. So when approached by the national association, he felt like it was the right time to act.
"Once the idea was put forward, there was a groundswell of interest and it came together pretty quickly. One of the main things we’re trying to do is put together a community; I think it’s been a little fragmented and divided here in Minneapolis," he related. "From my point of view, I’ve often felt isolated and this provides a forum for us all to get together to share information."
In order to attract numbers, Fischer said that the chapter has taken more of an "all inclusive" approach to membership, relaxing some of the stricter rules in larger markets. "We have extended an invitation to just about any facility that is doing creative work as opposed to just those involved in traditional offline editing," explained Fischer.
There is also an ongoing discussion regarding whether or not to invite ad agencies’ in-house editorial companies to join, as there are "some really good editors working at some of the larger [Minneapolis] agencies such as Fallon and Martin/Williams Advertising," said Fischer.
Music and sound facilities can join the Minneapolis chapter as associate members. The chapter plans to meet on a monthly basis.
Meanwhile, members of the editorial community in Atlanta held an organizational meeting on June 27 to launch AICE/Atlanta. However, one of the five founding companies-the requisite minimum number required to start a local chapter-dropped out at the eleventh hour.
According to Michael Matassa, CEO of Matassa Editorial, Atlanta, who has been heading the formation of the local chapter, the remaining four companies are confident they can elicit additional interest among local shops. Another meeting is scheduled for July 11 to elect board members and finalize details. Other attendees at the first meeting included Britt de Bie, president, Todd-AO/Editworks, Atlanta; Sam Crawford, president/editor of production/ editorial house Mom-O-Rama Co., Atlanta; and Sean Polinski, editor at the Atlanta facility of bicoastal Click 3X.
"Hopefully, by providing a forum to meet and discuss issues, we can become a more cohesive group of editors and get the message out to the advertising agencies that the talent and the resources that they need are here in Atlanta-and they don’t necessarily need to leave town to go to Los Angeles or New York," said Matassa who is looking for the local chapter to attract at least 10 companies.