September 15, 1995/Hollywood-based A Band Apart Commercials, launched in July by writer/director Quentin Tarantino and executive producers Lawrence Bender and Michael Bodnarchek, has signed its first director, Osbert Parker….After four years as president of Editel/Chicago, Richard Mandeberg has resigned to become VP/director of electronic marketing at Frankel & Company, a marketing agency in Chicago. Editel/Chicago’s VP/general manager D.L. Bean will serve as acting president of the facility….
SEPTEMBER 14, 1990/Director Jim Money has exited Lucasfilm Commercial Productions, New York, to sign with Marlis/Seeff Productions, Studio City, Calif…. Michael Delgado is leaving his position as executive producer of Ampersand Productions, New York, to become president of Windsor Video, a division of Unitel Video, both New York….Director Blair Hayes has signed with Gibson Lefebvre Gartner, Los Angeles, for exclusive representation. Hayes departs Luna Pier Films, Venice, Calif….Sarah Holbrook has founded SHH Agents, a New York-based rep firm. She was East Coast sales rep for Stiefel & Company, New York….
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