NEW YORK-Nitza From, owner/editor at New York-based editorial boutique Salamandra Images, has been elected president of the Association of Independent Commercial Editors (AICE) East Coast chapter by its board of directors, which was itself elected by the general membership at a meeting last month.
Additionally, the board elected David Friedman, editor at New York-based djm Films, first VP; Roe Bressan, managing director of the New York office of Red Car (which also has bases in Hollywood, Santa Monica, Minneapolis, Chicago and Dallas), second VP; and Mitch Garelick, controller of Horn/ Eisenberg, New York, secretary/treasurer.
From has been an AICE/East board member for over five years. As president, From succeeds John Palestrini, CEO of The Blue Rock Editing Co., New York, who has served as AICE/East president since spring 1995. Palestrini is currently AICE’s national president.
"I would like to continue what [past presidents] Dennis [Hayes, who closed his Dennis Hayes & Associates in 1997 and retired], Arthur [Williams, president of New York-based Editing Concepts] and John did, because they did wonderful, wonderful work and brought the editors together," said From. "I would like to strengthen our position in the ad community … and encourage the editors to really get together and be more involved."
Part of that, she said, is a current AICE effort to develop an advertising campaign that will increase awareness of the editor’s role. "People should really get to know us and appreciate the work that we have been doing and are continuing to do," From explained.
The newly elected 1999 board is rounded out by Palestrini; Williams; David Binstock, Rhinoceros; Bob Friedrich, First Edition; Michael Pollock, Vito DeSario Editing; Jane Stuart, Cabana; Chris Franklin, Big Sky Editorial; Alan Morris, Invisible Dog; and Craig Warnick, All are based in New York.
John Held is executive director of the national AICE and AICE/East.