NEW YORK-Editor Stu Eisenberg has joined Ruff House Editorial, the New York-based shop that last fall changed its name from A Cut Above Editorial.
Eisenberg spent the past four years editing at The Pi Edit Company, New York. Previously, he spent 11 years editing at Dennis Hayes & Associates, now closed.
Among Eisenberg’s most memorable spots are award-winning comedic classics from Cliff Freeman and Partners, New York, including "Most Wonderful Time," a back-to-school ad for Staples, and "Nunzio" for Little Caesars. Another notable Eisenberg-edited spot is "Night Club" for Diet Coke via Lintas: New York (now Ammirati Puris Lintas), which features Elton John.
Eisenberg intends to continue to focus on comedic work. His clients include Drakes via Campbell Mithun Esty, Minneapolis, and Planters Peanuts via Foote, Cone & Belding, New York. Eisenberg’s first assignment at Ruff House was "First Skate," a Dannon Yogurt spot via Young & Rubicam, New York. It was not yet airing at press time.
Ruff House moved into new quarters last fall-part of the attraction for Eisenberg. "The place is absolutely beautiful and has a small, intimate atmosphere," he said, "in addition to which [partner/editor] Bob De Rise has a sterling reputation in the business and does great work and attracts great people."
Eisenberg is the third editor at Ruff House, joining De Rise and partner/editor John Monte.