Director/ cameraman Chris Woods has joined Atlas Adrenaline (A2), Santa Monica, the year-old production house that specializes in action-adventure and extreme sports spots. Woods comes to A2, a division of Atlas Pictures, from Momentum Films (both in Santa Monica), which he founded with director/producer E.J. Foerster in 1988.
As previously reported, Woods left Momentum last September as the shop was expanding into feature film and TV development (SHOOT, 12/18/98, p. 8). Of the split, Woods said he and Foerster were headed in different directions. It was amicable and fairly simple. It was just time for [E.J.] to move on, and for me to move on, too. Foerster, who remains at Momentum, could not be reached for comment at press time.
Having actively pursued Woods, A2 executive producer Eric Barrett called the director his shops crown jewel. I started my division a year ago with three young directors, Barrett said, and my aspiration for these guys was for them to get to the level of Chris Woods. I just love his work. Hes perfect for what were trying to achieve-that high action-adventure stuff, but with some comedic twists thrown in. Barrett also said he was impressed by Woods reputation. He gets a lot of repeat business, which as you know is the ultimate compliment. People whove worked with him before, they single-bid him.
Barrett cited the accessibility Woods will have to the more mainstream Atlas Pictures banner, as well as A2s high-end specialization, as what likely appealed to the director. Were able to sell him a couple of different ways, which I think is the attraction in [his] coming to us, said Barrett. Hes a big shot in the arm for us [A2].
Woods shopped around several houses on both coasts during the past few months before signing with A2. It was actually a pretty tough decision, he said, but it got down to chemistry and personality, and you know, the reel has to work. He cited his regard for Atlas president Sterling Ray and A2s Barrett, both of whom hes known for several years. [Sterling] is very open and candid, he said. We just hit it off. And I really like Eric, his energy and the way he works in the business. I didnt want to get with a cover-all-the-bases company, where I was just another reel to throw up against the wall to see if it would stick. Rather, Woods said, he was looking for a house with an eclectic roster. I [didnt want] to get involved with a company that had a director who was in conflict and had the same sort of idea that I had, he said. Atlas and A2 are quite diverse. A2 is more of a hip, young [shop]. And it seems everyone has a division for that, but it was nice to actually have the cross-over with [Atlas]. I was not interested in going with some of the younger companies because companies come and go.
A2s roster includes director/cameraman Greg Stump and directors Scott Messick and Brian Bleak. Atlas represents directors Adam Massey, Alexander von David, Toby Phillips and Ron Fricke.
SHOOT reached Woods by phone in New Zealand, where he is filming two :30s for Mild Seven cigarettes via Ogilvy & Mather, Japan, and A2. The spots focus on the companys sponsorship of an international Eco-Challenge.
Woods said that while hes known in the industry for his action fare and numerous car spots, in the past few years hes found a comedic slant particularly rewarding. I guess you would call it action-comedy, he said, referring to some of his Momentum work, including: Extreme Dialing for NYNEX and a series of spots for Titleist including Sporty Red Number (both via Arnold Communications, Boston); Players for Hewlett-Packard out of Saatchi & Saatchi, San Francisco, and a series of spots for the NHLs Florida Panthers, including Speed of Sound, via Harris Drury Cohen, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. I try to stay away from the real frenetic, crazy-I dont know what youd call it-but I try to keep some sense of balance in my work, Woods said, so it has a little bit more storytelling than just a bunch of images slapped together. I like projects that have a sense of a beginning, middle and an end.
Prior to launching Momentum, Woods was a director (from 1986-88) at now defunct Fairbanks Films. Past credits also include work on the official films for the 1984 Summer and Winter Olympic Games in Los Angeles and Sarajevo.
Since exiting Momentum but before signing with A2, Woods freelance directed multiple A2-produced Toyota spots featuring San Francisco 49ers quarterback Steve Young for Hoffman/Lewis, San Francisco. Woods added that the aforementioned Mild Seven assignment might extend to also include some :45s and :60s.