“A Reasonable Request,” the dark comedy short, directed by Andrew Laurich of ContagiousLA, won Best Comedy at the HollyShorts Film Festival in LA on August 21. A desperate son reconnects with his estranged father to ask an unspeakable favor that will change their lives forever.
The film, about a desperate son reconnects with his estranged father to ask an unspeakable favor that will change their lives forever, had its Los Angeles premiere at the fest. Named “Today’s Best Short” by Digg, “A Reasonable Request” was also covered by filmmaking and comedy fanzines such as Film Shortage, Deskhead, The Awesomer, Chortle and Short of the Week, which called it “as filthy as it is darkly hilarious.” The controversial short was also featured on the front page of Reddit. Directed by Laurich and co-written with Gabriel Miller, the film stars John Ennis (Mr. Show with Bob and David) and Stephen Ellis (The Coen Brothers’ upcoming Hail Caesar!).