Fast Cuts Edits, a full-service creative editorial house in Dallas, has added editor Shelby Miller to its lineup. Miller comes over from Dallas-based charlieuniformtango, where he has worked the last three years.
At charlieuniformtango (CUT), Miller had edited spots for Nationwide Insurance via Temerlin McClain, Irving, Tex.; Canada Dry out of Foote, Cone & Belding, Chicago; Midway Home Entertainment out of DDB Needham Dallas; Travelocity web site via The Richards Group, Dallas, and minor league hockey team Fort Worth Brahmas via Socket, Irving. When Miller joined CUT, he worked initially as an assistant to CUT principal/editor Jack Waldrip before being officially named editor a year and a half ago.
Prior to CUT, Miller worked briefly as an assistant at Dallas-based creative editorial shop Post Op; before this, he was at now-defunct Dallas-based postproduction house West End Post, which he joined in Dec. 94. While there, he worked as a tape operator, online graphics artist and Avid assistant.
Fast Cuts owner/editor Richard Gillespie commented, We are thrilled to have Shelby join our staff. He does quality work and has a wonderful comedic flair to his editorial style. He is a big part of our plans for growth and I know his clients will enjoy working with him here.
Miller related the idea of working at a smaller company appealed to him, as well as the opportunity to heighten his profile in the market. At charlieuniformtango, Id come up as an assistant, said Miller, so I was kind of low man on the totem pole there when it came to editors. Over here I have a better chance to be promoted more, because theres not as many editors and I also bring something different to Fast Cuts; they didnt have an editor whod done as much comedy as I had done. I stand out a little more here my reel is its own entity.
At Fast Cuts, Miller joins an editorial roster also composed of Marc Hoffmeister, Tim Lawler and Gillespie. Julie Bayer and Gerald Jones continue to serve as producers. Currently at Fast Cuts, Miller is cutting a project for Paramount Theme Parks out of Temerlin McClain.