Directed by Sam Coleman of Giant Films in Cape Town, South Africa, this 90-second drone-shot film lyrically uses collective nouns to romance the beauty of animal groups across Africa – but at the same time highlighting their vulnerability and imminent extinction.
Titled “A Guardian,” the film for U.S.. charity Over&AboveAfrica was conceived by veteran ECD Andy Fackrell, known for his body of work over the years at 180 Amsterdam, and Wieden+Kennedy in Portland, Ore. (such as director Frank Budgen’s Nike “Tag” spot). Fackrell has moved back to Amsterdam and among his output is “A Guardian” which shows how drone technology is proving to be a surprising beacon of hope in Africa’s war against animal poaching. Drone surveillance is proving to be a savior for Africa’s endangered animal groups, increasing their survival chances by up to 80%, according to a pioneering group of conservationists, entrepreneurs and researchers called Air Shepherd.