This animated short produced by J.J. Sedelmaier Productions is at the center of the California Milk Processor Board’s “Know the Facts” campaign from agency Gallegos United.
J.J. Sedelmaier directed, designed and produced the piece which features a lovable milk carton, voiced by Billy West, as the protagonist who takes us on an epic musical journey to explain how rumors and misinformation are spread about milk, while introducing a host of fun characters along the way.
The work taps into Sedelmaier’s sense of humor with a wink as evidenced in his animated involvement in such work as the launch of MTV’s Beavis & Butt Head, co-creating Saturday’s TV Funhouse for SNL, and animation for The Colbert Report and The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. The “Know the Facts” short also has an entertaining tone that references educational animated content from pop culture such as Schoolhouse rock! (also in J.J. Sedelmaier Productions body of work).
Dino Spadavecchia, executive creative director at Gallegos United, stated, “Millennial parents are constantly bombarded by advice about what’s right for their kids. Sometimes it’s hard to know what’s fact and what’s fiction….To make sure our message resonated and engaged with millennial parents and kids, we needed to make it entertaining. So, we took an unconventional approach. We wanted to make something that was hand crafted, something that would have longevity and transcend marketing trends–J.J.’s approach and animation style are timeless, genuine and honest, with a visual language fitting of pop culture.”