Ring of Fire Advanced Media, a West Hollywood visual effects/design boutique, has added to its roster. Joining the company are Inferno artist Ali Laventhol; visual effects/digital composite artist Jeremy Alcock; CGI artist John Jenkins; and producers Jill Heinrich and Kimberly Evans.
Before joining Ring of Fire, Laventhol freelanced as a Flame artist at Rhythm & Hues Studios, Los Angeles, and as a digital effects artist at various San Francisco shops, including Western Images.
Alcock comes from bicoastal/ international Pittard Sullivan, where he was a digital artist.
Jenkins had been freelancing for Ring of Fire as a CGI artist. Jenkins was previously lead animator at Visual Magic Images, Los Angeles.
Heinrich comes from the Attik, a bicoastal/international broadcast design firm, where she held the position of associate producer. In that post, she helped launch the Attik’s San Francisco production department.
Evans, who recently relocated to Los Angeles, formerly served as a staff producer at Atlanta companies Turner Entertainment Group, Big Mouth Productions and iXL Inc.
Additionally, Ring of Fire has also acquired two NT compositing workstations for its CGI department.