In a new comedic short released by Audi of America, Vanessa Bayer (Saturday Night Live) puts her own comedic spin on the infamous elevator moment from Fifty Shades of Grey when Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey share their first kiss. In the short, created by Venables Bell & Partners and directed by Clay Weiner of Biscuit Filmworks, Bayer attempts to create her own moment by trying to seduce anyone that gets on an elevator with her–pulling out all the tricks and toys mentioned in the book; even assuming that an Audi driver’s key fob must be a gift for her.
Isaac Chen of Cut+Run edited the short which is titled Elevator.
Audi will be featured in the upcoming film adaptation of Fifty Shades of Grey, which will be released on February 13. E.L. James prominently included Audi throughout her series of novels as the luxury car of choice for her characters Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, making the brand a natural fit for the movie. Models that will be featured in the film include the Audi R8 V10 Spyder, Audi S8, Audi S7, Audi Q7 TDI and the all-new Audi A3.