The shortage of homegrown talent for the high-tech industry—including computer animation and visual effects houses—has been chronicled in SHOOT over the years. Various solutions have been put forth to address the problem, the highest-profile—albeit short-term—remedy being an increase in the annual allotment of H-1B visas so that foreign artisans can come stateside to take on positions for which companies claim they cannot find qualified American talent.
The latest development has the visa cap being raised to 195,000 for each of the next three years. The measure calling for that H-1B increase recently gained passage in Congress after months of political jockeying (SHOOT, 10/13, p. 1). The same bill also will establish a program to train American workers for high-tech jobs.
While there’s been spirited debate over the H-1B issue, advocates and opponents of the cap-raising legislation seem to agree that the long-term solution is to improve the quality of arts and high-tech education in the public school system. Unfortunately, arts programs were among the first budget-cut casualties in public school curricula during much of the 1980s. We have since learned, the hard way, the high price that has had to be paid for that shortsightedness. Arts education has proven to be critical in grooming the new-millennium work force. Without it, there’s been a shortage of capable arts and high tech-savvy artisans for well-paying digital production and visual effects positions. Additionally, numerous studies have determined that kids receiving an arts education perform far better in other school subjects, including history, English, mathematics and science. Test scores over the past 20 years substantiate this finding. The oft-cited reason for the improved performance is that when kids are engaged in the arts, they see and feel the value of education in enhancing their lives. This, in turn, motivates them to further their educational pursuits in other areas.
The task of reinvesting in and providing an infrastructure for relevant education is daunting. But it’s sorely needed. Helping to make the challenge seem a bit less daunting are some of the grass-roots efforts underway throughout the country. This column has reported on several of them over the past couple of years. The most recent to come to our attention is being spearheaded by three San Fernando Valley-based moms who have young children in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD): Spike Dolomite Ward, a visual artist, cartoonist, and private art teacher for kids; Arden Teresa Lewis, an actress and playwright; and Anita Hamingson, a musician and screenplay writer.
The trio has formed the Arts in Education Aid Council. The nonprofit organization’s mission is to give the public school students of the San Fernando Valley the benefit of an arts education by working independently of, but in conjunction with, the LAUSD.
The Arts In Education Arts Council has selected Vanalden Avenue Elementary in Reseda as its pilot school. The organization is recruiting volunteers to serve as art docents during the school day, and also plans to employ local artists for after-school, artist-in-residence workshops. Additionally, the group is raising funds for school buses to take students on field trips to art museums, and for proper art supplies that students can have access to in the classroom. Other objectives include sponsoring family art nights to bring families onto campus to do art together, and organizing a Valley-wide student art exhibit.
For those wanting further info or to volunteer, the group has set up a phone line: (818) 705-8758. Donations may be sent to Arts in Education Aid Council, P.O. Box 2060, Burbank, CA 91507.