This animated short from South Korean studio Superfiction mocks the stereotypical PSA-style campaign with an industry twist. Conceived by a creative team at Deutsch NY to promote the ANDY Awards’ call for entries, this “PSA” kicks off the campaign by introducing us to a distracted creative director unnecessarily killing a great idea. But intervening is Fernando Machado, ANDY jury member and Burger King’s SVP of global brand management. He saves the idea with humor and some gratuitous violence by doing away with the creative director, all to prevent the senseless killing of great ideas.
“It takes a lot to get a great idea through the advertising gauntlet,” said Gina Grillo, president and CEO of The Advertising Club of New York and International ANDY Awards. “At its core, this campaign is about everyone in our industry – clients, creatives, lawyers, etc. – collaborating to be brave and stand up for creativity. Our hope is creative types everywhere will live vicariously through these scenarios and vow to fight harder for the ideas they believe in.”
“Experiencing the death of a brave idea is gut wrenching, but we’ve all been through it. Sadly, some people get used to it,” says Pete Favat, 2017 chairman of the ANDY Awards and CCO of Deutsch North America. “Unfortunately, provocative ideas die in quiet, private places with no one watching. We want to expose the sometimes ridiculous reasons why these ideas die every day and hopefully put a stop to it. Maybe people will use these short films to help stop the insanity and produce braver work.”
For more than 50 years, the International ANDY Awards have recognized the best and bravest ideas. This time around, great ideas can entered into the 2017 ANDY Awards competition before January 13.
Titled The Distraction, the animated short is the first of three which will be up on the ANDY Awards’ website, and the call-for-entries campaign will be running from now through February, as videos, on social, and in banners.