This docu-style film titled Victoria & Selvin shows how help from NYC-based nonprofit Trickle Up has helped program participants in Guatemala.
Directed by Mark Littman of BODEGA, the short introduces us to Victoria who has faced the challenge her son Selvin’s physical disabilities have had on his ability to work by opening her own successful family store. Putting the business into motion was funding from Trickle Up which enabled the family to buy 100 pounds of chicken meat. The investment paid off as profits from the sale of the chicken were put into other goods and a small neighborhood store. Now the family is sustaining itself and Selvin has plans to grow the store and is more optimistic about his future.
This and another short give viewers a taste of the BODEGA-created immersive 360° video experience which place viewers in five environments that are pillars of the hardworking Guatemalan community. The VR component was crafted to elevate the level of empathy that viewers feel by surrounding them with the challenges that these communities face. The experiences can be viewed with Google Cardboard as well as through Trickle Up’s site in 360° video and on mobile and web browsers.
The BODEGA team created immersive snapshots of Victoria’s savings group’s space, Selvin’s family store, Selvin’s family dwelling and yard and the bustling village marketplace.
“Being able to visit these poverty-stricken areas, meeting the people and seeing how much they are able to live on a daily basis is really impactful,” said Littman. “The VR component of this project will really enable viewers to have that same experience and foster a deeper understanding of what an important impact this organization really can have.”
Trickle Up works with the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people to help them achieve financial independence and social connection.