Remus Buznea and Kyriaki Kyriakou (aka Remus & Kiki), a London based animation duo, have joined the roster of U.K.’s Blinkink. Their creative collaboration began in the humble beginnings of a student flat, creating the RTS award-winning short, and Vimeo staff pick, Dateless. The weird and wonderful 2d animations they create and illustrate have been seen around the world, winning Audience Choice at Animation Nights New York, among other honors. They have been able to create a variety of projects for commercial clients such as Adult Swim, Coachella, Warner Bros and TED…..
Global design and innovation agency YML (nee Y Media Labs) has brought on board Rajeev Bhanot as head of product and Erica Sayers as director of client engagement. Bhanot comes over from The Walt Disney Company in New York where he was sr. director of growth & product management for Disney+. Sayers had been at Huge Southeast where she was group engagement director on United Nations Women, U.S. Department of State, Capital One, Under Armour, Dell, and Dun & Bradstreet, among others. Redwood City, Calif.-based YML’s business spans strategy, design and engineering for digital products and experiences, and encompasses everything from websites and e-commerce platforms, to mobile apps and emerging tech (AI, machine learning, AR, VR). YML has spearheaded digital transformation initiatives for brands including Apple, The Home Depot, Facebook, State Farm, Universal Music Group and L’Orรฉal. In the midst of the pandemic, YML is having its best year ever, expanding its global staff with 75 new hires, 35 positions still open and an expected total staff count of 400 by the end of 2020…..