LightHouse Films has added director Johan Stahl to its roster. Based in Denmark, Stahl was previously handled in the U.S. by Maverick and prior to that, Bully Pictures.
His work is generally a blend of cinematic and realistic. Stahl’s storytelling seems to frame spontaneous moments of life; whether that moment be light-hearted, humorous, or emotionally moving, they are all grounded in reality. Apart from his commercial work with clients such as GE, IKEA, Standard Chartered Bank, Saxo Bank, Nykredit, Shell, and the Royal Bank of Canada, Stahl is also a founder of the human rights based sunglasses brand, DEAR LEADER, which strives to help promote democracy in North Korea through information and education.
Even as a young boy, Stahl was captivated with cinema and storytelling. He followed his passion and worked for eight years in the television industry, refining his skills through directing, writing, and producing some of the most successful comedy shows and documentaries in Danish Broadcasting. He also directed, filmed, and produced music videos and segments for The Boys From Angora, a multi-award winning comedy show in Denmark.
Stahl’s first commercial campaign was a nineteen-hour shoot in Los Angeles for the fashion brand Jack & Jones. This experience compelled him to make the leap and become a full-time director in pursuit of commercials and features. His first short film, Weekend Dad, commissioned by the Danish Film Institute, won a Robert Award (the equivalent of an Oscar) for Best Long Short Film, and he now has three feature films in development.
Stahl said he was drawn to the NY-based LightHouse by its partner, Thibaut Estellon.
Estellon said of Stahl, “I’ve been following his work for a while now and have consistently admired his ability to surprise and delight his viewers. He’s a master at blending emotion, light comedy, and visual storytelling with a singular vision.”