Through the eyes of a child growing up, life’s biggest moments unfold, each one interrupted by unexpected power cuts. Smith & Foulkes are back with yet another wholesome story–this one showing that as a child matures, so does his understanding of the need for a solution, leading to the discovery of Schneider Electrics’ advanced circuit breakers, now celebrating 100 years.
Orchestrated through heartwarming animation in this Schneider Electrics’ client-direct spot titled “100 Years,” Smith & Foulkes via Riff Raff Films craft a playful yet impactful journey, illustrating how over the years Schneider Electric’s circuit breaker seamlessly steps in when it’s needed the most. Mathematic served as VFX studio.
Client Schneider Electrics Production Company Riff Raff Films Smith & Foulkes, directors; Tracey Cooper, executive producer/producer; Will Tempest, storyboards; Vincent Gallut, character design. VFX/Animation Mathematic Guillaume Marien, CEO; Rebecca Rice, executive creative producer; Daniel Rodrigues, supervisor; Mickael Dupre, 2D animation lead; Mathieu Betard, 2D clean supervisor; Lia Michedlishvilli, 2D background lead; Claire English, line producer; Eva Loncke, coordinator; Anna Bolshakova, Jeanne Dalmas, Bishoy Gendi, Louise Pigner-Leroul, Olga Serdyukova, rough animation; Anna Bolshakova, Carl Castan, Jeanne Dalmas, Marina Edvige, Marjorie Gautier, Naelle Gavieraux, clean & color; Leila Courtillon, Lia Mchedlishvili, Tania Smayra, 2D background; Mathieu Betard, Damien Gaillardon, Julien Michel, Daniel Rodrigues, 2D compositors; Alan Bauge, Vincent Flohic, Artem Vlassov, 3D modelization; Guillaume Boudeville, 3D rig; Frederic Boulin, 3D animation; Artem Vlassov, 3D layout lighting render. Music Siren Alex Baranowski, composer; Sian Rogers, music producer. Sound Design & Mix Anthony Moore, creative director of audio; James Utting, sound design & mix; Ciara Wakley, audio producer.
PRETTYBIRD filmmaker Salomon Ligthelm reteams with English-Nigerian artist Little Simz on the conceptual and visually rich music video “Flood.”
Featuring Obongjayar & Moonchild Sanelly, “Flood” is a hyper-stylized meditation on materialism and its role in shaping culture.
Staying in a performance-based visual space, Ligthelm captures Little Simz in dramatic black and white. True to his signature photographic style--which borders on the edge of fine-art-like--the framing and texture of ‘Flood’ plays quite minimalist while the performances are equally playful and extravagant.
Ligthelm previously directed Little Simz’s 2021 award-winning music video “Introvert.”