This holiday spot for BMW, “The Gift,” tells the heartwarming story of young Tim, who wants to bring special joy to his beloved grandmother. At the same time, BMW reflects on its journey toward the Neue Klasse (New Class) by spotlighting an icon of automotive history—the BMW 1500, which in the 1960s marked the dawn of a new era for the brand. The film highlights how the joy of driving connects generations in more ways than one.
The story begins with a stroll through a festively decorated city center. Tim and his parents are on the hunt for the perfect Christmas gift for his grandmother. Despite their traditional suggestions, the 7-year-old confidently rejects each one. Finally, Tim spots the ideal present in a shop window–a gift that will bring immense joy to both his grandmother and himself. Initially hesitant, his parents decide to trust their son’s instincts. On Christmas Eve, surrounded by family, Tim’s grandmother opens the giant package to find a BMW Junior Seat. Instantly, they both know: Tim and his grandmother can now enjoy unforgettable rides together in their classic BMW 1500. After all, joy is the most precious gift, and the joy of driving bridges generations.
Filmed in Vienna, the holiday piece is set to the 1980s holiday classic “Christmas in Hollis” by the hip-hop group Run-D.M.C.
The concept and creative direction for this holiday campaign were developed by the Hamburg-based creative agency Jung von Matt in collaboration with BMW’s marketing team and the Munich-based production company Hochkant. The 100-second film was directed by Marc Schölermann. The film will be distributed across BMW’s YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram channels. Additionally, the campaign will feature activations on Netflix in both Germany and the U.K.. A 60-second version will also air during the holiday programming on German free-to-air TV.