1) The most relevant lesson I learned in 2017 is to remain flexible in my thinking, and to constantly challenge what I think I know. Having a more fluid approach helps me stay nimble and adapt to the continued changes 2018 will surely bring.
2) Generation Z has radically different viewing habits than any generation before them – providing them minimal exposure to “commercials.” I see a shift with advertisers moving towards long form branded entertainment. I foresee brands sponsoring short and long form series, as well as features.
3) We are launching long form branded entertainment division and already have a few projects in the pipeline which will be released later this year.
4) We were really fortunate to have had a great 2017 and ended the year with an expansion on the West Coast and the addition of a few new directors. Business wise, our goal is to continue with our growth across all formats.
5) As a woman-led company, diversity is a core principle. We will continue to encourage and drive more diversity on staff and sets with our crews. Mentoring is an important part of this business and I encourage both established women and men to champion younger women. Most of my mentors were men and I think it would be incredible if more men, especially on crews, took the time to encourage and champion women.
6) If our workplaces were more diverse and we interacted with people who are different from us, doing jobs we respect, on a more regular basis, we would start to have more respect for each other in general. By encouraging our directors and production teams to hire diverse crews, I feel we can take a small step toward a more equal industry. Additionally, I think initiatives like Free the Bid and the diversity programs from the AICP and DGA are helping to bring awareness industry wide.