“Ganar al Tiempo,” created for Pernod Ricard’s Ruavieja by Darwin & Verne, and directed by Guillermo Madurga (who, along with Miguel Angulo, is represented stateside by Easy Mondays as Lobster), captures our quest for connection and calm amidst a seemingly endless flow of time commitments.
“I think the idea really is not to fight against time but to forget about it,” says Madurga. “The time we spend chatting after dinner is very characteristic of our culture and our way of life and it is in that moment where we enjoy such traditional drinks in Spain as herbal liqueurs or coffee.”
Madurga is known for his innovative visual storytelling, and for Ruavieja he wanted to “make time a perceptible element,” he says. “We decided to give it shape by using long exposures and timelapses. In this way the concept of time and the stress of a busy life was clearly manifested on the screen. The low-key photography also reinforced the idea of stress and oppression.”
“Ganar al Tiempo” also challenges some longstanding perceptions about Spanish culture. “Many people think of Spain as an idyllic place where stress and the demands of a capitalist culture do not affect the lifestyle of its citizens,” Madurga suggests. “But that’s the result of the postcards sold by travel agencies. Unfortunately, the Spanish way of life, especially the urban one, is affected by the vortex of demanding work, globalization, liquid relationships and multitasking. But yes,” he concedes, “we have beautiful beaches.”
Of the collaborative process, says Madurga, “I am the beneficiary of a brave agency and client. Ruavieja was venturing into new territory creatively, while Darwin & Verne was making its debut with the client. The alignment allowed a great idea to grow from the very first moment.”