A hungry kid is blown away by the “full force flavor” of Tornados in a new commercial for the snack food directed by Daniel Kaufman of Bully Pictures. Conceived by Colorado agency Sterling-Rice Group, the spot opens on two brothers who are waiting for a microwave to heat up a Tornados snack. When the older boy opens the oven door, his younger brother is hit by a gale-force blast that causes his face to contort crazily as if he were caught in a wind tunnel. The boys conclude that the experience was “awesome.”
Kaufman said that his aim was to give the story the feel of a good-natured, adolescent prank. “We cast boys that had a good sense of fun,” he explains. “The older boy is mischievous, but not mean-spirited.” The trick with the boy’s face was accomplished by placing him in front of a giant fan.
About Bully Pictures
Bully Pictures was formed in 2004 by Executive Producer Jason Forest as a full-service TV commercial, internet viral, short film, and international production service company. The company represents directors P.R. Brown, Fredrik Callinggard, Dana Christiaansen, Gaute Hesthagen, Daniel Kaufman, Christian Lyngbye, Franco Marinelli, Jeroen Mol, Michael Shapiro and Craig Tanimoto. For more information, write info@bullypictures.com.
Spot: Brothers Click here to view work
Client: Ruiz Foods (Tornados)
Ad Agency: Sterling-Rice Group, Boulder, CO. Chris Webb, producer; Steve Witt, executive creative director; Chip Hisle, associate creative director.
Production: Bully Pictures, Los Angeles. Daniel Kaufman, director; Jason Forest, executive producer