In an early sale just ahead of the start of Sundance 2011, Canadian filmmaker Trevor Anderson‘s short film “The High Level Bridge” has been licensed for exclusive Canadian distribution by CBC for TV, On Demand and internet rights. The deal was brokered on behalf of Anderson by Roberta Munroe, Roberta Munroe Short Film Distribution, and by Linda Iannetta for CBC.
The short had its world premiere at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival and had its US premiere at AFI Fest where it won Honorable Mention in the Best Live Action Short Film category. It is also one of 12 short films included in this year’s Sundance YouTube Screening Room initiative due for online release January 20 and runs for six weeks. Anderson is a self taught filmmaker who started making shorts in 2005. The High Level Bridge is his 9th short film, a documentary that explores this Edmonton, Alberta monument and its hold on the psyche of the people who live there. Previous films include The Island and Rock Pockets, both were highly celebrated on the festival circuit.