Shooters Post & Transfer ((, the full-service creative post house, recently completed editorial and Visual Effects for Brine and Warrior campaigns created by Team Detroit, a joint venture of WPP’s Detroit-based agencies. The spots were shot on RED by Phasmatrope Studios.
The team at Shooters welcomed the opportunity to work on two such diverse creative executions. Brine and Warrior, lacrosse brands both owned by New Balance, have strong positions in the world of Lacrosse and other sports equipment, yet they have two truly distinct identities that demanded two unique creative executions.
VFX Supervisor Ed Mendez (from <a href="http://(“>DIVE, Shooters VFX and Film Finishing division), Editor David Oberdoester and the post team at Shooters combined forces to explore the many alternatives for showcasing Brine. The team’s deft touch with VFX is evident in the resulting :30 Brine
“LAXman” which celebrates the ferocious elegance of lacrosse and the company’s brand.
“We engaged the Shooters team early in the process on the Brine work,” says Phasmatrope Studios Executive Producer Jonathan Isen. “Editor David Oberdoester and <a href="http://(“>DIVE VFX Supervisor Ed Mendez worked closely with our Phasmatrope production team and Director Jeff Odiorne on delivering a breakthrough lacrosse spot.”
Shot over greenscreen, in green suits and hoods beneath Brine equipment, the image spot features some of the stars of lacrosse performing their signature moves. Mendez and VFX Artist Tim Bowman were on set with a Lacquer Conduit to ensure the “LAXman” concept would work smoothly in post.
“The key technical challenge of this job was to efficiently key out the players’ bodies while maintaining the intricate details of the shoes, pads, gloves and helmets that identify the gear as Brine’s brand,” says <a href="http://(“>DIVE‘s Ed Mendez. “It was further complicated by the rapid motion of the athletes’ bodies as they went through their signature moves. The mesh of the sticks and the bars of the face guards was a particularly painstaking task.”
The result is “LAXman,” an image spot that perfectly illustrates the poetry and force of the Brine brand and the sport of lacrosse. The team had a blast bringing momentum and noise to the Warrior campaign “LAXman2025.” The campaign, a :30 spot and two :15 image spots, showcases the frenetic, skate punk aesthetic of the Warrior brand itself.
“The real fun of the Warrior spots was after we cut the initial boards,” says David Oberdoester. "That’s when Team Detroit asked us to go nuts and show them how we would cut the spot. We spent a very late night in the edit suite cranking all different kinds of music and editing to that– imagining what would characterize LAX players in the future.”
“Shooters’ integrated workflow made it easy to quickly mix motion graphics with 3D. It enabled us to establish the spectrum of what the spot could be and then dial it back down to just the right tone,” says Oberdoester.
The outcome is the fantastic “LAXman2025”. A narrative spot in reverse, the spots feature the stars of lacrosse in the year 2025 and their meteoric rise to fame– showcased via a quick cut, heavily graphic execution.
About Shooters Post & Transfer
Shooters Post & Transfer (( blends talent, technology and customer service to provide a superior level of quality and creativity. Shooters’ client base consists of ad agencies, production companies, filmmakers, television and cable networks, political consultants, PR firms, and corporations. Capabilities include Spirit 2K film transfer w/ Bones data, da Vinci 2k Plus w/Colorist Toolbox; Resolve Digital Cinema Suite, six Inferno/Smoke2k suites, nine Avid non-linear edit, four final cut suites, CGI and graphic design, Flame, three surround sound audio suites, audio recording studio, film, HD and video crews and studio. Shooters offer these services in SD, HD, 2K, 4k, RED and Viper. The company also has a content division that produces Food Network’s “Dinner: Impossible.” For more information contact Shooters Anne-Marie Starker via email or phone 215.861.0100.
About <a href="http://(“>DIVE
Based in Philadelphia, PA, <a href="http://(“>DIVE ((, is the visual effects, DI and film finishing division of Shooters Post & Transfer, led by veteran Visual Effects Supervisor Mark O. Forker. As one of the east coast’s premier post production facilities for film finishing services, <a href="http://(“>DIVE offers filmmakers the opportunity to complete Visual Effects, Digital Intermediates and Titles by coupling creative continuity with an integrated workflow. For more information contact <a href="http://(“>DIVE VP Business Development Bob Lowery via email or Executive Producer Andy Williams via email or phone at 267.514.7700.
SHOOTERS/<a href="http://(“>DIVE
DAVID OBERDOESTER, Editor and Graphic Design
MIKE MULLEN, Graphic Design
RYAN LEONARD, Graphic Design
ED MENDEZ, VFX Supervisor
MARK FARKAS, Director of Post Production and Lead Compositor
SHOSHANA FISHBEIN, Finish Compositor
MICHAEL WARDNER, Finish Compositor
WADE ECHER, Post Production Senior Producer
DAVID OBERDOESTER, Edit and Graphic Design
MIKE MULLEN, Additional Graphic Design
WADE ECHER, Post Production Senior Producer
DAN WEBER, Creative Director
TODD RUTHVEN, Creative Director
BRIAN GORMAN, VP, Management Supervisor
CHRIS ROBINSON, Account Executive
DREW TITRAN, Content Producer
JONATHAN ISEN, Executive Producer
Avid Media Composer
Discreet Inferno/Smoke
Pro Tools HD
Adobe Photoshop
Lacquer Conduit
MacBook Pro