Lost Highway Films director Sasha Levinson recently completed a series of spots for the acclaimed King’s Daughters Medical Center (KDMC) with Brown Parker Demarinis Advertising. Each spot opens with a map digitally composed by Radium that seamlessly transitions to KDMC patients undergoing various treatments. Under Sasha Levinson’s direction each spot perfectly illustrates the interconnectivity between the hospital, its care for patients & community. KDMC is considered one of the nation’s 100 Top Hospitals. The entire package revolves around the hospitals expertise and how it offers comprehensive cardiac, medical and neurological services to their patients. With Sasha’s unique style of visual storytelling, the spots focus on how KDMC is “taking medicine further”.
According to Levinson “the 30 second spot is more of a lifestyle piece in which we see future and past patients of KDMC. It was my goal to capture a sense of honest meaningfulness in the performances and create overall visuals that further drove than sense of emotion. In the 15’s we worked with all real hospital staff. I loved the idea of designing each scene in one continuous take that pulls us out of the map graphic and through the scene. My goal with this was to create a fluid feel of being engaged in a moment. Once we got in to sound design we had a lot of fun in terms of bringing in larger sounds of the hospital as the camera pulls further back from the immediate action of the scene.”
Levinson has previously collaborated with Brown Parker Demarnis Advertising on Florida Hospital. To view some of her latest work check out her reel on the Lost Highway’s website: www.losthighwayfilms.com.
Agency credits go to Vince DeMarinis, Ward Parker and Ilene Kramer. The live action was shot by Director of Photography Mike Ozier at WME Entertainment. Lost Highway Films credits go to Executive Producer Marc Rosenberg and Line Producer Nicole Rodan. FX & Editorial was completed by Radium.
DP: Michael Ozier @ WME Entertainment
Agency Credits for Brown Parker & DeMarinis Advertising
President: Jason Brown
Creative Director: Vince DeMarinis
Creative Director: Ward Parker
Account Manager: Jessica Worth
Broadcast Producer: Ilene Kramer
Editorial: Radium
Producer: Paul Winze
Client: King’s Daughters Medical Center: www.kdmc.com
About Lost Highway Films
Lost Highway Films is a television & film production company specializing in commercials, webisodes, internet content, virals, and promos. LHF understands client’s goals creatively and can provide amazing production value and support. Director Sasha Levinson rounds out the LHF roster comprised of Aggressive, Eddy Chu, Michael Patterson, Andre Maat & J.C Khoury.
For further information contact LHF call 212.242.7400, e-mail info@losthighwayfilms.com or visit our website at www.losthighwayfilms.com.