DOGTOWN AND ZBOYS director Stacy Peralta, of commercial production company Nonfiction Unlimited, brings the other side of his creativity to light – intimate portraits of artists who use the earth as their canvas. “What will you create?” is the question that Stacy was able to bring to life for GSD&M / Austin and their client John Deere. Stacy traveled to Kansas, Long Island, NY and South Carolina to capture stories of four landscape artists and their creations using their John Deere lawn and garden equipment.
The most fascinating story comes from a South Carolina man named Pearl, whose visually stunning creation draws visitors from all over the country. Pearl’s efforts took a cornfield and turned it into an intricate work of art with an Alice In Wonderland sensibility. In these spots Stacy was able to capture the unique gardens, and the artists behind the creation.
Director: Stacy Peralta
Prod Co: Nonfiction Unlimited
Exec Prod: Loretta “LJ” Jeneski & Michael Degan
DP: Maryse Alberti
Agency: GSD&M / Austin
Exec Broadcast Producer: Monique Veillette
Group Creative DIrector: Tom Gilmore
Group Creative Director: Richard Tlapek
Creative Director: Tom Campion
Associate Creative Director: Sean Keith
Post House: The Whitehouse / LA
Editor: Steve Prestemon
Music: Skylab, Inc
Nonfiction Unlimited (Formerly Nonfiction Spots) New York/ Santa Monica represents award winning documentary filmmakers for commercials and new media advertising projects. In addition to Stacy Peralta the company works with Paul Crowder, R.J. Cutler, Rob Devor, Sean Dunne, Steve James, Nick Jasenovec, Barbara Kopple, Albert Maysles, Stacy Peralta, Peyton Wilson and Jessica Yu.