Scenic Road Productions (SRP), a video production house based in Kansas City, Mo., has selected a Fujinon XA17X7.6BRM ENG-style HD lens as part of its high definition production services for commercials, training and recruitment videos, and other promotional materials for a wide variety of clientele.
Before the official launch of SRP last fall, the Fujinon lens was part of owner Kevin Schwarzenberger’s equipment inventory. “I have a decade of shoots behind me, a large portion of which were shot using Fujinon glass,” he explained. “When I was ready to launch my business and the time came to select a high definition lens, Fujinon was already on my shopping list. Several factors made my final decision to invest in their lens very simple.”
Though a relatively new purchase, the lens has already seen hundreds of production hours and, according to Schwarzenberger, has worked flawlessly throughout every project. “The success of SRP is very closely tied to having the right tools in our toolbox. Choosing a lens was one of the biggest decisions we’ve had to make,” he said. “We consider the Fujinon lens to be one of our most important tools, because it provides excellent range and gives me all the control I’ll ever need.”
The Fujinon lens is used on location for projects that vary greatly with regard to environment and budget. For example, a recent project involved producing a series of webisodes and event coverage for a national restaurant chain headquartered in Kansas City. The lens has also been used to shoot video press releases for AMC Theatres, which have been distributed across the country.
SRP mounted the Fujinon XA17x7.6BRM to a Panasonic AG-HPX500 P2 HD camcorder. The lens is compatible with the HPX500’s Chromatic Aberration Compensation feature, which was important to Schwarzenberger because it eliminates unattractive green shadowing that can sometimes occur around faces and other objects when shooting video.
“Owning a HD lens used to be out of reach for new and small production houses, but Fujinon has priced its lens very competitively, so it was possible for us,” said Schwarzenberger. “With Fujinon, we have been able to strike a balance between price and high-end video acquisition, and we are confident that this lens will provide crisp and clear HD images for our clientele for years to come.”