Entertainment marketing communications company Pittard Sullivan has named Jason Alan Snyder as its VP, head of interactive, and creative director. He is based in the bicoastal/international firm’s New York office.
In his new role, Snyder is responsible for direction, conceptualization and strategy related to interactive and convergent communications on behalf of Pittard Sullivan’s clients. Headed by CEO/president Billy Pittard, the company has become increasingly involve d in the development of branding, marketing, and user-experience solutions for interactive television and video-on-demand services. This emerging new media business necessitated Snyder’s addition, according to Win Peniston, managing director of Pittard Su llivan New York.
Before joining Pittard Sullivan, Snyder founded DeepFry, a membership-based organization of convergent media professionals that serves to maintain standards of excellence in the creative development of i nteractive and convergent media. DeepFry has executed media solutions for a variety of international print, wireless, broadcast and interactive clients.
Prior to his work at DeepFry, Snyder was VP/creative director of co nvergence and experience at WeMedia Inc., New York. There, he directed the convergence and branding of the company’s media properties (broadcast, print, interactive, and wireless) by developing a consistent voice, design tone and manner across all outlets. He also oversaw the architecture, messaging and design for what was billed as the largest Webcast in history: the Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games.
In ’99, Snyder wore several hats at Zentropy Partners in New York, serving as chairman of the management committee, group director for creative in New York, and global director of creative in charge of roles and processes. While responsible for the day-to-day operations of Zentropy Partners, he also directed the creative initiatives in New York. Some of his clients there included Dunn and Bradstreet, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Riggs Bank, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, Coca-Cola, GM Buypower, Dean and Deluca, Kenneth Cole, Brooks Brothers, Microsoft’s X-Box and US Air.